About Avoidant Adventures

About Avoidant Adventures
Photo by Eric Marty / Unsplash

The thoughts and stories connected to this website illuminate my journey from shame and avoidance to wholehearted living. Like any good story, it has "catalystic" events, a backstory, a few detours, successful moments, friends who come alongside for support, villains who try to subvert any positive messages, and hope for a better future. And, like all good stories, the journey doesn’t end. Until God calls me home (or too many of my brain cells die), this journey toward authentic living will continue.

"We either own our stories--even the really messy ones--or we stand outside of them . . . and we hustle for other people's approval of our worthiness." Dr. Brene' Brown, Daring Greatly, Chapter 4

I am not a professional researcher, nor am I a trained counselor. I don’t pretend to have answers for life’s problems. But I am willing to share what I’ve learned in an attempt to help others see new things or to see life differently. I am sharing my specific story as a case study, not a collection of quantitative measures to represent many people. Even with its limited scope, however, I suspect that offering a glimpse into the mindset of one avoidant person who has been introduced to new ways of seeing herself, the world around her, and the God who loves her can have a positive impact on anyone who is willing to see herself (or himself) reflected within these pages.

I invite others to join me on this journey as I use this medium to capture my thoughts with the goal of one day organizing these ideas into a more digestible book format. I hope that some of my struggles and newfound awareness resonate to a general audience so the concepts can be incorporated into any journey, which we are all on whether we realize it or not. The interesting thing about such a journey is that we can’t do much to prepare for it. We start with little more than faith and we put one foot in front of the other, trusting that God will give us the tools we need when we need them. Yes, it’s scary; it’s also exciting! I pray God will use me and my story to do His good work within the world. Let’s get started!

I Believe...

Anyone with a growth mindset can improve his or her life; it takes some guts, loving friends or family to process with, and an abundance of humility and honesty.

My Path

Some people compare life to climbing a mountain. Each trip "around the mountain" offers a new way of seeing the same things. I'm doing it from an avoidant perspective but trying on new lenses along the way.

Avoidants Get a Bum Rap

Because some researchers have accused Avoidants of being beyond help, I wanted to share parts of my journey to provide hope for others like me and those who love others like me. We are worth understanding.