Who Are You?

Who Are You?
Photo by Evan Dennis / Unsplash

While I don’t pretend to know your name nor your life’s history, if you are browsing the pages of this website and skimming my blog posts, then I do know a few things that are probably true about you. These are some of the perspectives from which I write. The list below may not apply to you directly, but perhaps the concepts apply to someone you love.

What I assume about you (or about someone you love):

  1. You are hard on yourself
  2. You often feel like an impostor
  3. You often feel like you are being criticized
    A. Maybe by your loved ones
    B. Maybe by your church family
    C. Maybe by your coworkers or employers
    D. Probably by yourself
  4. You find that you excessively compare yourself to others
  5. You spend much of your time in a defensive stance
  6. You may have loved ones who accuse you of being cold or heartless or hurtful
  7. You have a strong desire toward order in certain (or in most) areas of your life
  8. You feel unaware sometimes; people will share their observations of an event or interaction and you wonder how you missed those subtle messages
  9. You find that your loved ones accuse you of being over-controlling
  10. You love God and respect His authority
  11. Your heart’s desire is to serve God and be used by Him
  12. You desire to strengthen all the relationships within your life
    A. Your relationship with yourself
    B. Your relationship with those you love
    C. Your relationship with God

If the ideas above do not resonate with you or your life, the conversations within these pages may not be beneficial to you. And that’s okay! We don’t have to be on the same life trajectory to be acquaintances or even friends. If you have the time, I invite you to continue reading anyway.

Now that we know what things we have in common, let’s explore!